Thursday 28 March 2013

Why, brain, WHY

You know when you have a really weird dream? Like a really, fucked up weird dream?

Do you ever wake up afterwards with the emotions displayed above?

I surely do. Some of my dreams leave me wondering if I'm a latent psychopath who is just too lazy to kill people. Or better yet, dreams where I dream about people in my life, and I wake up pissed off at them for what they did in the dream.

Case in point, I dreamt Antisocial Husband not only cheated on me, but moved the wench into our house before telling me about her. I gave him such a filthy glare when I woke up, and he was awfully confused until I huffily explained to him why his skin was bubbling from my dirty looks. He was rather bemused...

Or what about those super-real yet surreal nightmares? The only nightmare that ever caused me to literally wake up screaming was when I dreamt I was lying in our bed, staring at the ceiling. And on the ceiling was this big, swinging, pulsing grey woven egg-sac. Next thing you know, it explodes and spiders started raining down on me. *shudder* Worst nightmare ever!

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