Monday 25 March 2013

Do you ever...

wake up some mornings and feel the urge to go back to sleep?

I do. I'm now apparently a grand master of pressing the snooze button while sleeping. This results in a very groggy me. This means I'm more prone to losing my temper and listening to the black cat on the other side of the window pane. BURN THEM ALL!

It's almost hilarious how annoying little things can become. The geyser pipe malfunctioning. The oven tripping the entire house when you turn it on. The lack of storage space anywhere in a townhouse (whoever designs townhouses should be forced to live in them). How I can't open the dishwasher all the way because of the way the kitchen is designed. Being reminded that one of my favourite webcomics is going to end in less than 2 months. *sigh*

On normal, non-snooze-button-pressing days, things like that are still annoying, but still easily shrugged off. It's like the snooze  button coats you in emotional tar and everything becomes sticky.


I need to stop pressing the snooze button.

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