Tuesday 19 March 2013

Best. Movie. Ever

A few weeks back, I was watching The 5th Element with some friends. This movie was made 16 years ago (Oh gods I feel old now), and it still works so well today.

First of all, the special effects don't seem to have dated at all. I think it's because they stuck to mostly old school costumes and prosthetics.

Secondly, the costuming was really well done by Jean Paul Gaultier. Shall we feast our eyes on this?

I'm pretty sure many an adolescent boy and girl hit puberty thinking about Leeloo in the bandage costume.

Let us not forget the brilliant combination of comedy, drama, suspense and action. Ruby Rhod is screamingly funny:

I believe this is also the movie that started Milla Jovovich's career as an ass-kicking hottie (she's the only reason why I watch the Resident Evil movies):

Some proof of the drama and suspense:

And one of my favourite movie villains (Gary Oldman is just deliciously evil in this role, it's ridiculous).

There is just so much right with this movie, and it was the first DVD I ever bought. I probably watch it twice a year, and I enjoy it every time :) If you haven't watched this yet...WHY NOT??

What's your favourite movie, and why?


  1. Yep, Fifth Element is a great piece of sci-fi fiction that manages to be pretty original in spite of the various sources it builds on.

    For me, my favourite movie is The Fountain. It's got the perfect mix of historial drama, medical mystery and sci-fi voyage, and the story of love, loss and enlightenment is something that I feel everyone can relate to on some level. Plus, the cinematography is beautiful and Clint Mansell's score is one of the most powerful pieces of music I have ever heard!

    Go watch it now!

  2. Ooooh, that looks interesting...Will organise a viewing :D

    But speaking of Clint Mansell - his work on Moon is one of the best soundtracks ever. It's beautifully melancholic.

    1. All of his soundtracks are amazing to the point where I can't actually listen to the OST for Requiem for a Dream because the music makes me feel so uneasy.

  3. Ironic, because of your blog title, but unbearable lightness of being IS my favourite movie....
