Wednesday 6 March 2013

Perfume: Applying it is not a watersport

Seriously. Having consideration for others costs nothing.

That includes personal hygiene. Please, showering once or twice a day is actually a GOOD thing. If I can taste your BO, you need to bathe. With steel wool. In battery acid.

And don't think that deodorant spray will mask the stench. It just makes it worse. Seriously. Imagine chocolate covered rotten egg. That's what it's like. The first whiff is not bad, but with the second whiff, the scent layers unravel to expose the nasty, rotten grossness beneath.

Finally, even if you have the most impeccable hygiene ever to the point where babies with immune deficiency problems could lick milk off your skin, that still doesn't mean you can marinate in your favourite designer knock off perfume.

If I'm walking my dog outside, and we pass each other, and I can taste your perfume, you're wearing too much. If you're applying perfume and you can smell it, you've put too much on.

Or, another favourite of mine - you're just arrived at gym, you're getting ready to get your sweat on and you decided that putting a liberal amount of Poison on is JUST what you need to motivate you to run...It just motivates me to want to pick up a dumbbell and beat you with it.

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