Tuesday 12 March 2013


So my super awesome SIL (Who we will call SuperGirl coz she's tall, blonde and awesome) lives in the same complex as I do.

And boy, did she just tell me a story about a nightmare neighbour. There's this one old lady (who we will call OldBat because she is NOT a lady), who has a yappy dog. There are quite a few dogs in this complex, the majority of whom do not bark. Because they're brilliant puppies, that's why!

However,OldBat leaves her front door open (with the security gate locked), and her dog barks at EVERYTHING. A leaf flutters past? "YAP YAP HOLY SHIT MUST KILL YAP YAP!" A neighbour goes past? "YAP YAP IMMA KILL YOU YAP YAP!" All. Day. Long.

One of the neighbours got sick of it, and closed her front door last night so we could have some peace and quiet.

One would've thought he'd tried to skin the dog alive while having sex with her couch, the way she carried on.

I missed the fireworks because I was watching stuff on my computer, but SuperGirl heard the whole commotion. OldBat apparently stood outside, screaming at the top of her lungs at this poor guy, threatening to call the police on this chap, he doesn't know who she is, he's a liar, he's a thief etc etc. All the while, the neighbour is calmly trying to explain that her yapping yapbag is annoying.

The security guards got wind of the ruckus, and came down to try and get her to calm down.
Major fail, she went even more nuts and started hitting them! Actually hitting them O.o
There's going to be a buttload of emails to the HOA about this OldBat, and she'll hopefully get her entitled old ass evicted.

OldBat seems to be one of those people who thinks that just because she's old, she can do what she wants and is entitled to respect. Well, nope. Gray pubes are not an automatic respect card, OldBag. And it sure as hell doesn't mean you're allowed to wail on the hard working guards because you're old.

I have a theory that when some people get old, their personalities get magnified. If you're a nice person, you'll be a nice old lady. If you're a dick, you'll be a stupid OldBat. Me, I'm going to be ThatCrazyOldLady.

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