Monday 18 March 2013

If you love the Pope, don't read this

This is the new Pope's view on gay rights.

Frankly, I think it's fucking bullshit that some doddery, bordering on senile old man preaches hatred and fear  because it's something different. How the hell is gay marriage destroying the family? One would think that marriages like Britney Spears' 55 hour Vegas marriage, or Kim Kardashian's 72 day marriage would provoke more outrage from the Church, as that does more damage to the sanctity of marriage than gay marriage does. But no, apparently two adults who love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together is destroying the family.

Gay adoption is discrimination against children? Why? Because they have two moms, or two dads? What about inter-racial adoption?  People will discriminate against others because of hair colour, skin colour, eye colour, age, gender, height, weight, income, the area they live in, etc etc etc.

Children will apparently be "deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother." So what about single parents? Must they now rush out and grab someone off the street to marry so that their child will not be "deprived"? What if Mom left Dad because Dad is a violent drug addict who beat the ever living shit out her and Junior? How is a violent marriage, or a loveless marriage in any way benevolent to the development of a child?

In the meantime, the Vatican is vigorously covering up the growing number of reports of priests abusing children, or doing their best to discredit the victims. I'm sure Jesus didn't mean "Suffer little children to come unto me" that literally. Really? The Popes spend all their time telling families what birth control they can use, telling women what they can do with their bodies, and judging adults for loving other adults of the same gender, but they can't do diddly-squat about their priests molesting, raping and abusing children in the Church?

Yeah. I think Tim Minchin can sum up my feelings about the Popes perfectly:

(Lyrics Here)

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