Monday 11 March 2013


You know those people who feel the need to unnecessarily abuse the Caps lock? I'm not talking about your sweet 75 year old Granma who is only on Facebook and Twitter to see what her grandkids are up to. I'm talking about people from the Internet Generation(TM).

But they don't use Caps lock for the whole sentence. No no no. They feel the need to emphasize random words.
Allow me to demonstrate:

The main IDEA behind this SENTENCE is to demonstrate what a complete TWIT I am ONLINE, and probably in REAL LIFE too.

Don't you just get a mental image of someone talking normally, and then yelling or screaming the uppercase words? Am I the only one?

I mean, if you were see someone talking like that in the street, just a random person yakking on their phone, and EVERY other WORD was SHOUTED OUT with no APPARENT rhyme or REASON, you would steer clear of those people, no? Or take a video and send it to your friends with "hahahha look at this retard, lol! #weirdpeople #nomakeup #nofilter"

Using one word in caps to make a point is completely understandable, as on most social media you don't have the option to bold or italicize or underline something. But THIS IS just completely RIDICULOUS and SCARES ME.

Don't even get me started On PeOpLe WhO tYpE lIkE tHiS. ThEy ShOuLd Be BeAtEn RePeAtEdLy WiTh A kEyBoArD. 0R W0R2e, 7eh lEe7 k1dd1e5...

(Ow. That actually hurt my brain. If you love me, send booze to ease the pain.)

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