Thursday 7 March 2013

If a 6 year old can do it...

It's quite funny how some grown adults simply don't seem to understand how queues and "waiting your turn" works.

What's even funnier is when someone blatantly jumps the queue, or pushes in, everyone else Glares like crazy, but nobody actually says anything.

The QueueTwat will stand in their stolen spot, either staring straight ahead, or defiantly glancing at their fellow Queuers, daring someone to say something, anything.

I generally end up being That Person. The "Excuse me, but the end of the line is back there" person. The "Did you seriously think that we'd be ok with that?" person. The "Hey, 6 year olds know how to queue, what's your excuse?" person.

Sometimes they get aggressive, which passes pretty quickly when they realise that:
a) I'm not backing down
b) There's a number of witnesses and
c) depending on the store, security cameras and security guards.

Other times, they'll try and bluster out with "I'm in a hurry/I just have a few things." The best response is "Everyone else in this queue has somewhere to be too. The end of the line is back there."

There was one occasion where the QueueTwat tried to ignore me, when other Queuers started chiming in. It's got to be embarrassing when a Gogo (Grandma) tells you to be a man and treat others with respect. He actually slunk to the end of the line with his tail between his legs, and stared at his feet.

Now if only I could do that to Drivers who turn into QueueTwats....