Tuesday 30 April 2013

Well in that case

I'd give birth to friggin geniuses.

So, as has previously been established, I'm female, married and in my early thirties. The idea of popping out a demon spawn has crossed my mind more than once. I was rabidly broody after turning 30, and then completely lost interest.

I think I could be a good mom. Kind of.I mean, I turned out good. As a child I was a veritable angel. I always listened to my parents, got straight As, never gave them a minute of worry and...

What's that noise?
DAD?! Are you laughing?!
I was too an amazing and obedient kid! You're old, your memory is obviously playing tricks on you...


I don't think Antisocial Husband and I would be horrible parents. We were both raised with a good understanding of what discipline is, I'm quite nurturing (just ask my friends), we're reasonably intelligent...

When I look at friends with kids (one has triplets. Triplets!), and, barring when their kids are ill, they love being parents. Their kids are cute, well-adjusted, smart, funny little human beings, and while as parents they've had to make sacrifices, they don't seem to mind.

Both ASH and I have twins on both sides of the family, so the chance of doubles is pretty high. I don't know if I could handle two mini-me's. ASH reckons if we get twins, we sell one - I've suggested keeping it for spares*.

I don't want to raise a crotch-dropping. Those are the kids you see running amok while the parent listelessly says "No Suzee. Don't do that Suzee. Mommy will get angry Suzee", and the kid ignores them because they know that Mommy won't do a damn thing. 

Honestly, I don't know if I will have kids. Maybe one day. Maybe not. If we leave it too long, we can always adopt.

Or get more dogs.

*This is obviously sarcasm. If you don't get it, you're reading the wrong blog.

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