Monday 22 April 2013

Religion is not violent

In light of the Boston bombings, people are again coming out with the bullshit that "Islam is violent! Islam is terrorism! Racist rabble!"

Let's get this straight: I'm not a religious person. I was raised Roman Catholic, but I don't trust any organised religion because of the idiotic asshats you find in every single group.

Religion in itself is not inherently violent. The core culture of most religions are "Don't be an asshole. Be awesome to each other. And don't be stupid either, geez!"

People forget that the so-called "holy writings" are all word of mouth stories in a foreign language spoken thousands of years ago. A fly dropping on the ancient texts can change the meaning of a word, it's sentence, and the whole subtext of that passage is completely misconstrued.

Not to mention that they're all written by people. It doesn't matter if their deity of choice was "speaking" through them, the nature of people will be woven through the text. That includes the strength, knowledge and compassion of people, as well as the weakness, violence and insecurity.

Psychopaths and sociopaths will kill and cause mayhem and violence and bloodshed - and they will do it in the name of whatever belief happens to spark with them, be it religion, famous people, music etc.

It is time to stop generalising and tarring everyone with the same brush. It's infantile and stupid. That would be like me saying "oh well, all men are just rapists." Wouldn't that piss you off, dude readers? Or an overseas friend of mine saying "oh well, all white South Africans are just racists."

Quite a few of these generalisations are offensive to me:

All people who listen to heavy metal are satanists.

All people who play computer/video games are violent.
All people who spend time on the internet are socially awkward nerds.
All women who wear makeup are easy whores.
All women who don't wear makeup have no pride in themselves.
All women who choose not to have children are not really women.
All people who watch *insert TV show here* are dribbling idiots.
All women who enjoy sex are dirty sluts.

You see what I mean? Generalizations are stupid. 

People need to grow up, buck up and engage that marvellous brain that they have. It's not that hard.

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