Wednesday 10 April 2013

Driving: It's not rocket science

There's a 4 way stop street outside my house. At least a few times a month, I come thisclose to being T-boned on the driver's side by some mouthbreathing dimwit who couldn't be bothered to stop.

I actually had one woman, talking on her phone, stop a few centimetres before hitting me. I'm yelling out of my window, and she's merrily carrying on her conversation on the phone. Her passenger was making all the obligatory apologetic gestures, and eventually prodded her off the phone, where she gave me the dead fish face.

You know, dead fish face? Mouth ajar, entire face is slack, and complete lack of any comprehension or brain activity behind the eyes?
 If it wasn't for the fact that my puppy was in the car, I may very well have jumped out of my car and kicked her headlights in.

I've already kicked a car for nearly hitting me while I was on a pedestrian crossing. I walk to gym most days, and there is a pedestrian crossing at the complex where my gym is. If I'm halfway across the crossing, that means cars must stop. It's not that hard, I'm a fast walker, it will literally only take 5 seconds of your time, you inconsiderate ass hat. 

Shoot, just yesterday morning, some pompous twit in a Merc made eye contact with me while I was on the crossing, and closed his window when I yelled "Hello! This is a pedestrian crossing, dude, you're supposed to STOP!"

Driving is not hard, people. Stopping at a stop street takes maybe 30 seconds out of your life. Which is less time than if you were to jump the stop street, and hit someone. That takes a couple hours out of your life.

I've been driving for nearly 15 years. My car has had 3 accidents:

1) Someone turned into my car when I was going straight and had right of way - other driver being an non observant twunt
2) A deer tried to commit suicide on my car
3) Someone reversed into my car in a parking lot

None of those were due to negligence on my side, as you can see. So if I can manage to drive with consideration and awareness for those around me, why the hell can't everyone else?

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