Wednesday 3 April 2013

Can't even imagine...

There's a neurological disorder called Amusia. It affects 4% of the population congenitally, and it affects how you experience music. For some people, it is just a noise, a cacophony. For other people, they cannot tell if a song has an out of tune note, they don't recognise tunes.

Some people have reported that listening to music is just emotionless. They don't feel moved by it.

I can't imagine living like that. I adore music. I literally cannot go one day without listening to music.

What's scary is, amusia can be both congenital (it cannot be explained by brain lesions, hearing loss etc), and it can be acquired via trauma, illness etc.

So that means that a potential side effect of any head trauma is the loss of musical enjoyment. I honestly don't know what I would do if that happened to me. It's a little scary to think about.

I guess honestly, I would rather go blind than deaf.

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