Thursday 11 April 2013

There's something wrong with society

It's ridiculous really. It's really fucking ludicrous. If a woman goes to a bar, that apparently means it's ok to hit on her, and call her a bitch/slut/cunt/whore/whatever when she turns you down.
Never mind the fact that she's there with her friends, having some fun and gossiping. The mere fact that she's out of the house kitchen means that you have every right to hit on her and insult her when she says "No thanks".

Better yet, calling a rape victim a slut, after a picture of her gang rape was shared online, is apparently ok. The law has done sweet fuck all about it, despite the fact that she was 15 at the time of the rape. Instead of protecting her, they did a perfunctory investigation, shrugged and went "Eh, whatever". Meantime, the people of her town felt no remorse in bullying her. Nothing happened to the rapists, of course. They were just boys being boys.

So many shades of Steubenville. It's disgusting. I have to wonder if those people would have the same reaction if it happened to their daughter/sister/mother/aunt/grandmother/cousin. I'm almost completely certain they would change their tune.

If I were to have a son, and he raped someone...I would pay for his victim's lawyer, and get the best one available. If I were to have a daughter, and she was raped...the rapist had better hope the police get him before I do. I have many sharp knives, family members in medicine who can help me get hold of all sorts of interesting drugs, an over active imagination, and a husband who really enjoys slasher/horror/gore films.

Fuck rape culture. The hell with rapists, the hell with "slut-shamers", the hell with legal systems that allow fuckwits to get away with that sort of cockery.

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