Monday 8 April 2013

Potty mouth

Antisocial Husband and I have been married for over 2 years, and together for nearly 9 years. Something I'm weirdly proud of, is that during our entire relationship, we offer each other complete privacy in the loo.

I'm dead serious. Even though we live in a one bathroom townhouse, we have never used the toilet in front of each other. It's not a case of not being comfortable with each other. We most definitely are *nudge nudge wink wink*.

It's more a case of keeping a little mystery. I kind of like it. I'm no Elliot from Scrubs, but we've seen each other ill and grumpy and sweaty with no make up and hair sticking up in a weird "I just stuck my finger in the power outlet" style, so it's nice to keep that one little thing private. We even managed to tag team the bathroom on our honeymoon when we got food poisoning from the one hotel we stayed at. (Side note: Don't trust a buffet in a mountain resort where they depend on a dinky little train for supplies. Not only do they probably get food supplies once every few days, they also only had those fucking horrible foam mattress pine-slat beds that gave Antisocial Husband the most incredible back ache known to mankind. Twin beds on your honeymoon does not make for romance *side look*).

I know there are couples that have no problem with the one half hopping onto the loo while the other is having a bath. Please know that I don't think that's weird at all - my parents are like that. You go with what works for you, after all.

I suppose that's another thing to add to the list of "Why I maybe perhaps probably won't have kids". Friends of mine with kids have told me that you can pretty much kiss toilet privacy g'bye. I know I would probably freak out and completely overreact in the process of evicting the kid, and the sprog would then think that a completely natural thing is wrong and bad and maybe develop some kind of complex; festering in his/her psyche to the point where they can only express their disgust and confusion through an elaborate torture and murder serial killer thing. And when they get caught, their defense would be "I was potty trained wrong."


  1. With you on this one!
    He-who-shall-not-be-named used to come in and use the loo while I was showering, or just walk in and join me in the shower whenever. The latter was not always unwelcome, but when you're having a serious shampoo "me time", the last thing you want is a c*ck pressed into your back and suds in your eyes.
    If you're invited, join, if not, stay the hell out.

  2. Haha, brilliant!! Although to be honest my man and I are pretty comfortable to share toilet time while showering or brushing teeth.. If it is a number 1 mind you.... If there are any gaseous emissions the area is vacated post haste... But then again we have a 2 bathroom place so we usually miss too much sharing of the loo time :)
