Monday 13 May 2013

Why Nathan Fillion is on The List

(I'm not the dude in the shirt. I'm a girl :P )

You know. The List*. Celebrities that you can shag, and your partner can't get jealous. Nathan Fillion occupies spot #1, #2 and #3 on my list. (For those of you that care, Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie are #4 and #5).Yes, The List is Antisocial Husband approved.

Why does Nathan Fillion take up the majority of my list? Is it because he's incredibly good-looking? Yes, but...

Is it because he's charismatic? Well, yes, but...

Is it because he's a very talented actor? Of course, but...

It's all of that, and the fact that he makes time for his fans. He's approachable. He doesn't put himself up on a pedestal so that the stench of us mere mortals can't reach his delicate nostrils.

He makes an effort. Last year, at Comic-Con, he was so super busy that even though he wanted to spend more time with his fans, he literally couldn't. So he handed this card out, which I thought was beyond cool.

In Firefly, he was defiant, stubborn and oddly empathetic. Cap'n Mal is a man with secrets, wounds and tight pants.

In Dr Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, he was nearly unlikeable as Captain Hammer. Nearly. Not quite. Sorry, but I just can't hate you. (PS Note those guns in that shirt...*rowr*).

In Castle, he's fantastic as Richard Castle, a playboy writer who, on the surface, is all about the babes and booze, but dig a little deeper and you find a fiercely loyal, protective, highly intelligent and loving character. 

He's been in a myriad of productions - voice acting, series, soapies, movies...a brief foray into porn (PG-rated, of course).

I know that living in South Africa, my chances of ever meeting him are slim to none, but that's ok. I follow him on Twitter, which is almost as good as meeting him. Almost. Kind of.

Ok it's not, but shut up, ok!

And last, but not least, he doesn't take himself seriously. He enjoys a good laugh. His tweets are funny, thought provoking and goofy. So, Nathan Fillion, on the teeny weeny slim chance that someday somewhere, you might read this: You're on my List. That includes baking for you, by the way. I make a mean chocolate cake...

*FYI, I wouldn't actually shag them. Definitely hump their legs furiously, but no actual shagging.

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