Thursday 16 May 2013

He was asking for it

"It's not rape if he asked for it. Flashing his abs around the bar for drinks - what a slut. Everyone knows he's sleeping with a different girl every other week. Plus, if you're wearing a skin tight t-shirt with jeans that emphasis your crotch, what kind of impression are you giving the people around you? 

Exactly. If you're not looking for sex, don't dress like you're looking for sex. And if you don't want people staring at your body, don't show it off. It's not like they can help it, you're basically walking around with a neon sign pointed at your package, screaming "Look at my cock!"

Did he say no? C'mon, it's pretty obvious that him saying no actually meant "I want to, but persuade me, I don't want to seem easy." I mean, shit, we were already naked and fooling around, of course he wants it. And it's hotter when there's a little fight - he was totally into it.

Nobody would take him seriously anyway. Since when does the village bicycle complain about being ridden? Ha! He's forever posting nearly naked photos to his Facebook and Twitter as well - when he's not whoring himself out. "

Rape is rape is rape. What's pathetic is that rape is the only crime where the victim becomes the accused as well. I wrote the above with the same kind of outlook on a male rape victim as there is on a female rape victim. That's the kind of mud slinging that happens to female rape victims. Their past is investigated, their behaviour is examined. Not the rapist. The rapist couldn't help himself, you see. The victim was dressed so slutty/acting slutty/walking down a dark street/breathing so seductively near him that he just had to force himself on her.

As for the women who participate in slut shaming and victim blaming: You're disgusting and ignorant. If you were on fire, and I had a glass of water...I would drink it.

"Oh but she was drunk" - so what? That means you can just rape her? Murder victims aren't blamed for being murdered because they were drunk at the time!

"Oh but she was dressed so sexy" - so what? She could be stark naked - that doesn't mean that she wants sex, and especially not sex from you. What's next, that burger was so edible you had to shove it down your throat? That crap looked like chocolate so you just had to eat it? Do you really have that little control over yourself?

"Oh but everybody knows she's a slut" - so what? Being female and sexually active does not mean sexually deviant and available to all penises. The rapist has also had a good number of sexual partners, but that's never brought up. Just like shops are open to the public, but they can refuse you service if you're an asshole.

Having a penis doesn't automatically make you a Man. It makes you male, yes, but not a Man. A Man has control over himself, respect for those around him and the ability to use his brain as well as his penis. And real Men don't rape. If you're a rapist, you're just a male thing. And you're good for nothing.


  1. Sadly I have to agree with this. It says a great deal about societal norms that harming another human being can be rationalised as the victim's fault. While I still maintain that a victim may make themselves a more attractive target (drunk and out alone or walking home through dangerous areas alone and suchlike), this in no way excuses the rapist. It just determines who they're more likely to attack, their actions still warrant severe punishment.

    I do disagree with one little thing in this sentence:
    "Being female and sexually active does not mean sexually deviant and available to all penises."

    "Sexually deviant" and "available to all penises" have no relation. Sexual deviance does mean someone is available to all or even mildly slutty. I mean slutty in the sense of being sexually self-aware and unrestrained by socio-religious "rules".
    I'm a sexual deviant, but am in no way available to everyone.

  2. Society thinks that sexual activity = sexual deviancy = available to all penises. Not me :P
