Wednesday 15 May 2013

So Angelina's boobs are in the news again

But for all the right reasons...
In case you live under a rock, Angelina Jolie underwent a double mastectomy and reconstruction last month. Why? Because her genetic markers showed that she had a very high chance of getting breast and ovarian cancer.

I'm going to be super honest - I'm not particularly fond of AJ. But I do take my hat off to her for taking her destiny into her own hands and saying "Fuck you" to cancer.

However, not all women are as fortunate as she is to have access to the best medical care available. Not to mention that some doctors are very dismissive of their patients' concerns - you get your 15 minute consult, and then you have to piss off.

But at least these days, people are more aware and educated about breast cancer. A dear family member was taken by breast cancer a few years ago, and if her doctors knew then what we know now...

She was around my age, early thirties, when she first found the lump in her breast. Her doctor waved off her concerns, as breast cancer was an old woman's disease back then. So they left it. When she started displaying other symptoms, then her doctor sat up and took notice.

One of my closest friends, Moogella, has to get her breasts checked - and she's only a year younger than I am. Why? Because her Mom got breast cancer. Thankfully, MooMom was diagnosed early and sorted and is cancer free < 3. Honestly, I'm glad Moogella goes for regular checks. We've been friends for more than half our lives and she's very precious to me.

Would I take the same steps as AJ if my chances of getting breast cancer were the same? Hell yeah. Oh, it's an "extreme" step. But honey, it's less extreme than all the biopsies, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, extreme hair and weight loss and the other negative health side effects. If I had to choose between puking my guts out on a daily basis and fake boobs, fake boobs win every time.

So, Angelina Jolie - as I said, I'm not a fan. I think most of your movies are half-assed and you're a little overrated as an actress. But as a human being, I have to give you kudos - not only for being brave enough to undergo the painful surgery, but also to share the news with the world in an effort to encourage and educate other women.

Ladies - check your breasts. If your breasts display any of the traits below, get thee to a doctor. And make them listen. It's your body, it's your health and it's your right.

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