Friday 3 May 2013

The Syndrome

Symptoms include eye-rolling, headdesking and face palming at sheer stupidity.

I guess I just don't understand certain things. What is the point of eating healthily, taking supplements and regular exercise, if you tan like a piece of biltong? Yeah, you have a "healthy colour", but your skin is going to  be gross and leathery and wrinkly in a few years, not to mention the risk of melanoma.

What is the point of complaining about people not speaking English when you can barely speak it yourself? (I'm looking at you, ppl hoo type like dis. And confuse they're, there and their. IT'S NOT THAT HARD). Especially when your country has no official language.

What is the point of releasing a cool magazine, I fork out R30+ for it, and I find a number of errors that a high school student would be ashamed of? Maybe I should offer them my services as a proofreader...R10 an article. Ha!

What's the point of having a killer set of legs and you hide them under baggy pants all day? Seriously girl, I would kill for those stems. Get some skinny jeans or a mini skirt or something.

If you're a Mom with a number of children who say incredibly amusing things, and you're good at writing, why don't you release a book? (If you're reading this and you think it's you, it's probably you. DO IT!)

If someone's cut you out of their life and ignores/rebuffs all attempts you make at contact, take the damn hint and leave them alone.

And finally, there is no quick fix for anything. You want to lose weight? Eat right and exercise. You want to make loads of money? Work your ass off. You want a great marriage? Worry less about the perfection of your damn wedding day, and work on your relationship with your fiance.

The world owes you nothing. But you owe the world something - you owe it to the world to be all you are, and make it a better place.(Unlike the Kardashians. The only way they could make it better is to take a long walk off a short pier, wearing lead shoes).

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