Thursday 4 July 2013

"No" is a dirty word

In today's society, saying no is a dirty word. Never mind all the magazine articles that proclaim "Saying No is Healthy!" "How to say No with a clear conscience" - if you actually do say "No", you're some kind of pariah.

Saying "No" at work, even if you already have enough work for 2 people, means you're not a team player. It's not enough that you eat lunch at your desk, arrive early, leave late and take work home over the weekend. You need to sacrifice your sleep as well.

Saying "No" to friends is almost a slap in the face. What? You dare to have plans of your own? Why would you want to spend a night in with your family when you could be slamming down tequila shots with me? Spending time with your kids is not that important, you need to come out to dinner with me!

Saying "No" to customers pretty much guarantees you a special place in Hell, right next to the people who flick lit cigarette butts out of their cars onto bone-dry fields. The customer pays you, so you need to just make sure you're available all the time any time.

Saying "No" to family - well, you ought to just burst into flames right then and there. It doesn't matter that you're a full grown adult, if your unreasonable family member wants you to do something that inconveniences you, you have to do it.

That's bullshit. What complete and utter arse-gravy. There is nothing wrong with saying no. If you don't feel like doing something, especially for someone has done nothing but prove they are toxic, then don't do it. And you also don't need to justify it. A simple "That is not possible" will cover all the bases.

Anyone who doesn't have their head up their ass will understand a reasonable "No".

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