Monday 10 June 2013

Reed moar boox

Reading is awesome. I've been reading since I was tiny - and I credit that to my parents. They were very good in making sure I learned how to read early, and that I learned the pleasure of books as well.

They also informed me that apparently I taught myself to speed-read, a fact which I am rather skeptical about. Yes, I do speed-read, but I was no child prodigy! On an added note, being a speed-reader is expensive. I finish a new book (300+ pages) in about 1 - 2 days if I don't read it in one sitting...

Books are just intensely great. I have been to many different worlds, different cultures, different times, thanks to books. I have made life-long friends with the characters in some of the books I've read. Every year I re-read one of my favourite series, and even though I know what to expect, I still laugh in all the same places, and cry in all the same places.

Asshat ExHusband can attest to the fact that he's caught me sobbing my heart out over the death of a character in a book. There are two particular books I can never read again, because they drive me into a red-hot rage. I get extremely angry when I read them, so I've decided that even though I love the authors, for my own mental health I need to not read those works again.

I have two books autographed by Sir Terry Pratchett. They are two of my most prized possessions - I still remember being 13 years old, meeting the Sir and being tongue-tied. Typical teen awkwardness, bah!

I have also learned to not lend out my books. I've lost many books that way - at least one of which is now out of print. For years I was heart-broken until I recently found it at a second hand bookstore. And I've read it and re-read it about 3 times since re-acquiring it :D

If you were to look at my bookcase, you can easily tell which are my favourite books by seeing which of the spines are so creased that you can barely make out the title. Asshat ExHusband is also a big reader, which is a big thing for me. If he hadn't had books in his room when I first walked into it, I don't think we would still be together...

One day when I'm big and grown-up, I would like a hammock in my garden, where I can go and read on a lazy Sunday afternoon. With a good drink by my side, and heaven help you if you disturb me for a trivial reason!

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