On Friday night, Asshat ExHusband and I had the pleasure of seeing Eddie Izzard perform. And he did NOT disappoint. Asshat ExHusband didn't really know his work, so was a little dubious about it, but after roughly 30 seconds of the show, he was actually laughing. And all was safe.
Vader showed up, as did God, Smeagol, Gandalf, Mr Stevens (pang! pang!) and various other amusing little characters.
I started off laughing and ended laughing - my cheeks hurt like mad by the end of it.
Unfortunately, however, the venue was kind of a shit choice. 6 urinals for the gents and 6 loos for the ladies, for roughly 5000 people. I'm not joking, there were literally thousands of people there. THOUSANDS. There were a couple of merch tables. Yes, I got a "cake or death" t-shirt. I would have swopped one of Antisocial Husbands' testicles for one, but they would only accept money. Capitalists.
The drinks...benches? tables? I don't know what they were, they looked like those bendy foldy tables you saw in middle class Sunday Schools. And some smart person thought "Ok, well, let's have them not accept credit cards at all, in a convention centre that has absolutely no ATMs whatsoever. Grand idea!" So we went thirsty.
But the piece de resistance was the parking palaver. Two entire parking payment machines, for an entire convention centre. One of which can no longer accept notes as some dumb twat jammed it. Well done! Cue hundreds of people standing in a queue for 40+ minutes to pay for bloody parking...Considering that ASH and I paid over a grand for the tickets, one would think the parking would be free, but nooooooooo.
I don't blame Eddie Izzard for this, how would he know that the Sandton Convention Centre is a shit place to have a show? But Real Concerts would know this. This would have run far better at Monte Casino or the Coca Cola Dome. Because, honestly, standing in a queue for 40+ minutes in 5 inch wedge heels when you're dying of thirst tends to take the shine off a splendid evening.
So Eddie Izzard - 15/10. Brilliant. Love you! Long time!
But Real Concerts and the Sandton Convention Centre - 2/10. The SCC sucks, and since we're out of cake, it gets death. Not the chicken. DEATH!
Tune in tomorrow for the John Cleese review!
(Yes, I saw both Eddie Izzard and John Cleese this weekend. My life rocks)
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