Thursday 28 February 2013

Work out undies!

Sooooo, I've been known to go to gym every now and then. Ok, three times a week. I have a trainer. DON'T JUDGE ME.

Anyway, I feel the need to make the following request of some of my fellow gym-goers:

Please wear underwear!

That goes for both genders. Espeically if you're wearing any kind of clingy material. If I can tell if you're circumsized, dudes, wear underwear. Or better yet, wear shorts over those lycra tights, please? Pretty please? Alas, baggy cotton tracksuit pants have a tendency to...cling. There was a particularly good looking chap at the gym in soft cotton tracksuit pants. It wasn't his well-defined shoulders that drew everyone's eye, mkay?

Ladies - same goes for you. Sweaty camel toe - ew. It's even worse when you're on the floor, on your back, with one of those giant exercise balls between your legs and...well....yeah.

Sports bras are awesome. Even if you're super dainty breasted, running bra-less is not good for your titties. And it looks painful. I cringe and want to get you an ice pack. I'm pretty certain if I were to try running bra-less, I would knock myself unconcious and give myself two black eyes. Not pretty!

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