Wednesday 27 February 2013

Castration cure for rape?

I've been seeing some letters and articles on local news sites recently, calling for castration/chemical castration as a punishment for rapists.

That's all good and well, but what these people don't realise is, rape is not about sex. It's about power. It's about taking power away from the victim and giving it to yourself.

Some rape victims have, in an attempt to stop this from happening, claimed to be HIV positive or to have AIDS. The rapist then penetrated them with something else, like a table leg.

So sure, chop off the rapist's genitals, or prevent them from having sex via chemicals. I can guaran-damn-tee you that they will find some way of debasing their victim without using their penises.

The real answer to this is education. Raise your boys right and they will be men. A real man has respect for others, for their needs and their boundaries. Hell, raise your GIRLS right. Some of the shitty things I've heard/read other women say about rape victims..."Ugh, look at how she was dressed, she was asking for it!" "She wasn't raped, she just regretted fucking him the next morning"

Why is it that rape is a crime wherein the victim is investigated as much, if not more than, the perpetrator? If someone's car is stolen from their driveway, you don't hear people saying "Well, you shouldn't have had such a nice car, someone was bound to steal it." If a child is kidnapped, you don't say "Well, the kid was obviously asking to be kidnapped, being all cute and kid-like."

Daft, right?

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