Monday 19 August 2013

I don't WANT to be a tit-vest!

So I was walking home from gym yesterday, and some random dude pulls up beside me, and offers me a lift. I said "No thanks", but he insisted, going so far as to lean over and open the passenger side door.

That was a little creepy. Ok, no, that was a LOT creepy. Thankfully, I'm as stubborn as my Dad, so I continually said "No thanks!" in a loud, cheerful voice, and didn't move from my spot on the pavement that was nice and far away from him.

Just because he was smiling, didn't mean his refusal to accept my polite "No" wasn't aggressive. Not to mention that after he drove away, he had to cross two lanes to get into his turning lane - in the opposite direction of where I lived.

Maybe his intentions were pure, maybe he wanted to wear my skin like a coat (oh HAI Buffalo Bill!), maybe he was looking for good organs to sell on the blackmarket. The point being, if someone politely declines your offer, it's kind of uncool to push the issue.

"What if it was a girl offering you a lift?", I hear you say. I would've said no thanks as well. Just because we have similar genitals doesn't mean she doesn't want to wear my skin like a coat either. Women can be serial killers. They can too! We may be cute and cuddle with bouncing boobs, but we can be just as vicious and sadistic as a man. Maybe even more so.

Fact of the matter is, listen to your gut. Sure, you may be tired and hot and you're carrying a bag of groceries, and the guy is nice enough to offer you a lift. But getting home sweaty is better than not getting home at all, and becoming a statistic.

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